Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bringing Meaningful Use to the Bedside

It is one thing to think conceptually about the meaningful use of technology and quite another to apply those conceptions to the reality of the bedside.  Will meaningful use change the way care is delivered?  Will the change be for the better or for worse?  As the objectives required by CMS are implemented, it is important for nurses in informatics to anticipate how the new onslaught of technology will effect the care that is provided by those at the bedside.

The Cleveland Clinic presents a clear vision of how nurses in informatics will work to bring the expanding technlolgy and demands of meaningful use to the nursing profession, both at the bedside and in informatics. The TIGER Initiative, part of the Alliance for Nursing Informatics, is another way of ensuring that nursing care remains at the bedside while integrating technology. 

Although the following is a commercial for a certified EMR company, it smartly points out where nursing has come from and where it should be.  Integrating technology into practice should not cause nursing to spend less time with patients.

1 comment:

ricnbec93 said...

Loved your "embedded" video. The little boy was adorable.Even though it was an advertisement, it absolutely hit home for myself as a nurse and all nurses thinking about how far they and technology have come.